2023 Sustainability Report 37
2021-2023 LTI, TRIFR and Hours Worked
Hours worked without a LTI171,310274,968123,901

Donlin Gold, alongside its commitment to investing in and supporting its employees, actively participates in various community safety programs within the Y-K region. In 2023, NOVAGOLD sponsored the Alaska Safe Riders project, focusing on promoting safe practices in snow machine use, a prevalent activity during the winter months for most residents in the Y-K region. Additionally, through collaboration with TKC, the village of Crooked Creek, the Akiak Native community, and the Napaimute Tribe, Donlin Gold provided financial support to construct and maintain ice roads. These roads facilitate winter travel between remote Kuskokwim River communities, fostering increased participation in community events, cultural activities, and sports, and providing essential access for emergency services, law enforcement, and general travel. On an annual basis, an average of 300 miles of ice road are constructed and maintained.

Sustainability 2023 Health And Safety Performance Figure1

1 Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate is defined as an incidence rate of lost-time injuries, fatalities, and medical incidents and is computed using the formula: (number of injuries and illnesses X 200,000) / employee hours worked = medical incidence rate. Note: ‘200,000’ represents the number of hours 100 employees work based on 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year, and provides the standard base for calculating the incidence rate for an entire year.

2 Safety training hours are tracked using attendance logs from camp orientation and weekly safety meetings at camp.