Sustainability Environment Our Approach To The Environment Figure1
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Donlin Gold is committed to safeguarding the subsistence culture dependent on the water and lands surrounding the project site, while also respecting the traditions of Alaska Native culture practiced by its employees and neighbors. To minimize environmental impacts, the Donlin Gold project site has implemented detailed operating and monitoring plans and policies, addressing various aspects such as safe drinking water; sanitary wastewater systems; stormwater management; spill prevention and control; fuel, oil, and hazardous materials management; wetlands protection; wildlife interactions; and more.

During the 2023 field season, the camp accommodated 68 employees and contractors, contrasting with the future mine construction stage, which will necessitate around 2,000 year-round workers over several years. The production stage will require fewer employees but entails year-round extraction and processing activities that are energy- and water-intensive. As operations advance into the development and construction stages, environmental impacts will therefore change. As a result, it is important to consider year-to-year performance when evaluating certain metrics in this report, as performance may vary annually. The establishment of targets related to water use or carbon emissions reduction is challenging and generally inconsequential at this time due to the project’s developmental stage.

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Sustainability Environment Our Approach To The Environment Figure2

Beyond site activities, Donlin Gold actively participated in regional initiatives aimed at enhancing environmental conditions. Donlin Gold collaborated with the Native Village of Napaimute and Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) as the primary supporter of “In it for the Long Haul” backhaul program for the sixth straight year. This crucial initiative focuses on the collection, removal, and safe disposal of household hazardous and electronic wastes from villages across the Y-K region, effectively minimizing the adverse impacts from landfills, decreasing waste volumes in landfills and waterways. The program achieved noteworthy new milestones in the latest year, including waste removal from fish camps in the Middle Kuskokwim and the commencement of waste backhaul operations along the Yukon River. In total, this year’s program successfully collected and disposed of approximately 235,000 pounds of waste.

Donlin Gold also extended its support to 52 villages as part of the annual Clean-up Green-up program. This initiative targets the collection and proper disposal of trash from the tundra, roads, public areas, and beaches in the Y-K region that accumulates over the winter months.

1 The updated plan approval was scheduled to be issued by the State in 2024 but this is now scheduled for 2025; the existing approval has been administratively extended until this occurs.